Radio astronomy service (RAS) carries out research on astronomy based on the detection of radio signals from the Universe. However, due to its high sensitivity of radio telescope, it is susceptive to radio frequency interference (RFI) from the telescope itself and active radio services like mobile communication and satellite services. Therefore, the protection of radio quiet sky for RAS is fundamental for supporting the achievement of scientific outcome. In China, the radio astronomical facilities have been developed rapidly. For instance, the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) has achieved many outstanding outcomes, and the 110-meter radio telescope is being built in Qitai County, Xinjiang Province. Meanwhile, due to the rapid increase of active radio services, the radio environments around the radio telescopes in China are deteriorated gradually. In order to protect the radio quiet sky of RAS, the technical and spectrum management measures have been studied and developed, for instance, studying the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of radio telescopes, assessing the compatibility between RAS and active radio services, establishing Radio Quiet Zones (RQZs), and participating international and domestic activities of spectrum management, which have been summarized in this paper. All of these works support the protection the radio environments around the radio telescopes effectively.