
      RFI environmental measurement and analysis of the radio telescope array at Guizhou Normal University

      • 摘要: 近年来,由于人类活动的不断增多,空间电磁环境变得越来越复杂,无线电干扰源激增,对射电天文观测影响日渐加剧。为获得贵州师范大学射电望远镜阵列可观测天区的射频干扰(radio frequency interference,RFI )空间分布及其物理来源,为阵列后续观测及科学数据处理提供RFI消除依据,本文利用射电望远镜阵列格点测量贵州师范大学花溪校区的RFI,有效分析周围的电磁环境信号。监测发现,频率1 150、1 176.45、1 202.025、1 207.14、1 227.6、1 250、1 268.52、1 469 MHz处的RFI在可观测天区分布均匀,另有多种RFI在望远镜俯仰指向偏低(≤30°)和偏高(≥70°)时显著。


        Abstract: Recently, because of increasing human activities, the space electromagnetic environment has become more and more complex, and the radio interference sources have proliferated, which is increasingly affecting the radio astronomical observations. In order to obtain the spatial distribution of radio frequency interference (RFI) and its sources in the observable sky area of the radio telescope array at Guizhou Normal University, and to help us clean the RFI in the observation and data processing. This paper describes the use of radio telescope array grid-point measurements of RFI in Huaxi Campus of Guizhou Normal University to analyze the electromagnetic environment signals effectively. The monitoring showed that RFI at 1 150 MHz, 1 176.45 MHz, 1 202.025 MHz, 1 207.14 MHz, 1 227.6 MHz, 1 250 MHz, 1 268.52 MHz, and 1 469 MHz had even distribution. Multiple RFI are significant at low (≤30°) and high (≥70°) elevation.


