
      Optimized design of high throughput satellite antenna based on differential evolution algorithm

      • 摘要: 为提高系统的通信容量,提出了一种新的星载多波束天线优化设计方法。针对不规则服务区内通信容量需求分布不均衡的问题,通过对馈源位置和口径进行综合优化来解决空间布局和系统容量之间的矛盾。优化时将馈源的位置和口径作为变量,以天线增益和C/I构建目标函数;然后利用差分进化(differential evolution, DE)算法进行优化来获得更高的天线性能,从而确保服务区内容量需求高的区域具有较高的增益和C/I性能;最后对一个高通量天线进行了优化设计和加工测试。测量结果表明,天线在服务区内的最小增益为40.5 dBi,C/I最小值为14.5 dB,并且在重点区域增益至少提高了0.7 dB,C/I至少提高了4.4 dB,充分说明了本文方法的有效性。该方法可应用于实际工程设计,达到缩短设计周期、提升设计质量的目的。


        Abstract: To enhance the system communication capacity, a new design of multi-beam antenna on satellite is presented in this paper. Addressing the issue of uneven distribution of communication capacity demand in irregular service areas, the inconsistency between the capacity and layout is resolved by optimizing the size and location of the feed array. In the optimization course, the feed aperture and location are set as variables, and then the differential evolution (DE) algorithm is used to get high gain and C/I performance. In the end, an antenna is optimized and tested to illustrate the efficiency of the method. The measurement results show that the minimum gain in the service area is 40.5 dBi and the minimum C/I is 14.5 dB, which is improved by at least 0.7 dB and 4.4 dB respectively. The method can be used in engineering design to improve antenna design quality and reduce the design period.


