
      Theory and application of energy selective electromagnetic protection method

      • 摘要: 随着信息技术的发展,电磁空间逐渐成为国家重大公共基础设施及信息网络的基石。近年来,强电磁源生成技术加速发展,对电磁空间安全形成严重威胁,开展强电磁防护技术研究具有迫切的现实需求。能量选择防护方法是一种新型自适应强电磁防护方法,突破了电子设备前门防护“能防”和“兼容”的难题,为强电磁防护提供了新的技术思路。本文对能量选择防护方法进行了系统综述,首先详细介绍了能量选择防护的内涵和相关概念;其次以能量选择表面为例阐述了其工作原理与实现方式,在此基础上对能量选择防护方法的研究现状和最新成果进行介绍,梳理了能量选择防护方法的发展脉络;最后,对能量选择防护方法的未来研究方向进行了展望。


        Abstract: With the development of information technology, electromagnetic space has gradually become the cornerstone of national public infrastructure and information networks. In recent years, the development of high power electromagnetic source generation technology has accelerated, posing a serious threat to the safety of electromagnetic space, thus it is of great demand to explore the strong electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection technology. Energy selective protection method is a novel kind adaptive protection technology against EMP, which makes a tradeoff between the protection and compatibility, providing a new perspective of EMP protection. This paper firstly illustrates the concept of energy selective protection method. Then taking energy selective surface as an instance, of which the physical mechanism and design methods are summarized. On this basis, an overview of the energy selective protection method is demonstrated and the the development trend of energy selection protection methods are arranged. Furthermore, a prospection is provided on the future development of energy selective protection technology.


