FY-3D MWRI在轨交叉辐射定标和海表温度反演

      Intercalibration of FY-3D MWRI and sea surface temperature retrieval

      • 摘要: 海表温度(sea surface temperature,SST)在气候监测、海洋学研究、渔业经济研究和污染监测等多个方面起着重要作用。本文利用风云三号D星(FY-3D)微波成像仪 (Microwave Radiation Imager, MWRI)数据对海表温度进行了反演。首先,以全球降水测量(Global Precipitation Measurement, GPM) 卫星微波成像仪 (GPM Microwave Imager, GMI)作为参考传感器,采用基于海洋微波辐射传输模型(radiative transfer model, RTM)的双差异方法对 FY-3D MWRI进行交叉辐射定标,消除了其在轨辐射定标偏差,为精确反演海表温度奠定了基础;然后,在波段选择的基础上提出耦合微波海表发射率的海表温度多波段反演新算法,与传统的多波段反演算法相比,新反演算法的均方根误差从0.74 K减少至0.69 K;最后,用新反演算法从2020年的FY-3D MWRI数据反演得到全球的海表温度,并用时空匹配的iQuam浮标数据和GMI海表温度产品对反演结果进行精度验证,误差分别为0.04±1.13 K和−0.07±1.18 K。另外,在相同的条件下,用传统多波段算法反演得到的海表温度的误差分别为0.30±1.17 K和0.10±1.17 K。新算法的理论精度和实际反演精度均优于传统的多波段算法,说明本文发展的耦合微波海表发射率的多通道反演新算法是有效和精确的。


        Abstract: Sea surface temperature (SST) plays an important role in climate monitoring, oceanographic research, fisheries economic research and pollution monitoring. In this paper, we investigate the retrieval of sea surface temperature from the Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) data of the Fengyun-3D satellite (FY-3D). Firstly, the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) on board the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Satellite is used as the reference sensor to calibrate the FY-3D MWRI using the double difference method based on the Radiative Transfer Model (RTM), which eliminates the in-orbit radiometric calibration bias and provides a basis for accurate retrieval of the sea surface temperature. Then, based on the waveband selection, a new multi-band retrieval algorithm for sea surface temperature coupled with microwave sea surface emissivity is developed in this paper. Compared with the traditional multi-band retrieval algorithm, the root mean square error of the new retrieval algorithm is reduced from 0.74 K to 0.69 K. Finally, the new retrieval algorithm is used to retrieve the global sea surface temperature from the FY-3D MWRI data in 2020, and the accuracy of the retrieval results is verified with the temporally matched iQuam buoy data and GMI sea surface temperature products, with errors of 0.04±1.13 K and −0.07±1.18 K, respectively. In addition, under the same conditions, the errors of the sea surface temperature obtained by retrieval with the conventional multi-band algorithm are 0.30±1.17 K and 0.10±1.17 K. The theoretical and actual retrieval accuracies of the new algorithm are better than those of the traditional multi-band algorithm, indicating that the new multi-channel retrieval algorithm coupled with microwave sea surface emissivity developed in this paper is effective and accurate.


