
      Characterization of topside ionospheric scale height based on COSMIC occultation observations

      • 摘要: 顶部电离层是指F2层电子密度最大值所在高度以上的电离层区域。掩星观测能够提供地面到低轨卫星轨道高度处的整个电离层电子密度剖面,对于顶部电离层的研究具有重要作用。标高是构建顶部以上电离层电子密度剖面模型的重要参数。本文使用2007—2020年的气象、电离层和气候星座观测系统(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate, COSMIC)掩星观测数据,提取有效电子密度剖面数据的顶部标高,分析了其随地方时、季节、经纬度和太阳活动水平的变化特性。结果表明:顶部标高具有明显的日变化和季节变化规律,并且表现出强烈的太阳活动依赖性;顶部标高在纬度上的变化强烈依赖于地方时,同时在东西经向上表现出明显的波状结构,且这种经度波状结构在南北半球具有不同的形态;顶部标高在夏季半球具有显著的东西经向差异,南半球夏季更为明显。


        Abstract: The topside ionosphere is the region of the ionosphere above the altitude where the F2 layer electron density maximum is located. Occultation observations can provide the entire ionospheric electron density profile from the ground to the orbital altitude of LEO satellites, which is important for the study of the topside ionosphere. The topside scale height is an important parameter for the construction of the ionospheric electron density profile model above the top. In this paper, we extract the top scale height of the effective electron density profile data using the constellation observing system for meteorology, ionosphere and climate (COSMIC) occultation observations from 2007 to 2020, analyze its characteristics with local time, season, latitude, longitude, and solar activity level. The results show that: the topside scale height has obvious daily and seasonal variation patterns and shows strong dependence on solar activity; the latitudinal variation of the topside scale height is strongly dependent on the local time and shows a distinct wave structure in the east-west longitude direction, which has different morphologies in the northern and southern hemispheres; the topside scale height has a significant east-west longitudinal difference in the summer hemisphere, more pronounced in the southern hemisphere in summer.


