
      A method of modeling optical atmospheric refractivity profile

      • 摘要: 根据经典光波折射率计算公式和ITU-R建议书中水汽密度经验公式,给出了一种新的光波大气折射率计算公式;借鉴Hopfield折射率静力项剖面模型和ITU-R建议书中水汽密度剖面模型,给出了一种基于历史气象探空数据构建光波大气折射率剖面模型的方法。以青岛地区为例,通过对1986—1995年历史气象探空数据的处理并结合参考标准大气,建立了适合当地的光波大气折射率剖面模型;统计剖面模型预测折射率剖面与实测折射率剖面的均方根误差,结果表明:构建的剖面模型具有较好的预测精度,这对光学外测设备的折光修正数据处理具有很好的参考价值。


        Abstract: According to the typical formula of group optical atmospheric refractivity and the empirical formula of water vapor density in ITU-R recommendation, a new formula for calculating the optical atmospheric refractivity is given. Besides, by referring to the hydrostatic component of Hopfield refractivity model and the empirical model of water vapor density in ITU-R recommendation, a method of modeling optical atmospheric refractivity profile model is developed by using the historical radiosonde data. Take Qingdao area as an example, a local optical atmospheric refractivity profile model is established, and the key parameters in the model are derived from the local historical radiosonde data from 1986 to 1995 and the reference standard atmospheres. The comparison shows that the established model is more consistent with the radiosonde data than those calculated by the general Hopfield model. This method of modeling optical atmospheric refractivity profile will be beneficial to improve the accuracy of optical atmospheric refraction error correction in the data processing of trajectory measurement.


