In order to enhance the precision of modeling the ionospheric vertical total electron content (VTEC) in China and reduce errors at the regional modeling boundaries, this study utilizes data from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) and GNSS Services (IGS) GPS for ionospheric modeling. It also quantitatively examines the modeling strategies for the ionosphere in China and compares the impact of various modeling strategies on the accuracy of ionospheric modeling in China, providing a more suitable ionospheric modeling method for China region. Comparing the modeling results with the IGS GIM products, the results show that the accuracy of ionospheric modeling in China based on this method is higher. Compared with the GIM products published by IGS, the mean error is 1.210 9 TECU. Additionally, the internal consistency precision error of modeled ionospheric TEC based on this approach is 1.050 TECU when compared with satellite-measured ionospheric TEC. This indicates that joint data modeling can improve regional model accuracy while reducing edge errors.