
      Modeling of the regional ionosphere in China based on the combined CMONOC and IGS GPS data

      • 摘要: 为了提高中国区域电离层垂直总电子含量(vertical total electron content, VTEC)建模的精度,减少区域建模边缘误差,利用中国地壳运动观测网络(Crustal Movement Observation Network of China, CMONOC)和国际GNSS服务组织(International GNSS Service, IGS) GPS数据联合进行电离层建模,并对中国区域电离层建模策略进行定量考察,对比给出各类建模策略对中国区域电离层建模精度的影响,从而给出更符合中国区域的电离层建模方式。将建模后的结果同IGS中心的全球电离层格网产品进行比对,结果显示:基于本文方法对中国区域电离层建模的结果精度更高,与IGS数据中心发布的电离层格网产品相比误差平均值为1.210 9 TECU,与卫星实测电离层TEC的内符合精度误差为1.050 TECU。说明利用联合数据建模能一定程度上提高中国区域建模的精度,同时减少区域建模边缘的误差。


        Abstract: In order to enhance the precision of modeling the ionospheric vertical total electron content (VTEC) in China and reduce errors at the regional modeling boundaries, this study utilizes data from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) and GNSS Services (IGS) GPS for ionospheric modeling. It also quantitatively examines the modeling strategies for the ionosphere in China and compares the impact of various modeling strategies on the accuracy of ionospheric modeling in China, providing a more suitable ionospheric modeling method for China region. Comparing the modeling results with the IGS GIM products, the results show that the accuracy of ionospheric modeling in China based on this method is higher. Compared with the GIM products published by IGS, the mean error is 1.210 9 TECU. Additionally, the internal consistency precision error of modeled ionospheric TEC based on this approach is 1.050 TECU when compared with satellite-measured ionospheric TEC. This indicates that joint data modeling can improve regional model accuracy while reducing edge errors.


