
      Design of low-frequency electric field generator based on parallel-line transmission structures

      • 摘要: 针对电磁辐射抗扰度测试天线在低频时辐射效率低、体积大、难以生成高电场强度的问题,设计了一款平行双线传输线电场发生器。该场发生器输入端使用阻抗比为1∶4的传输线变压器巴伦,实现了输入端与负载的阻抗匹配,以及非平衡端转化为平衡端;为保证场发生器电气性能的稳定性和可靠性,平行双线传输线采用直径为100 mm的铜管,负载采用耐大功率的无感陶磁电阻,能够承受2 500 W的连续波输入功率。实验结果显示该场发生器在10 kHz ~ 100 MHz的频率范围内电压驻波比均小于1.9,在距场发生器中心0.5 m远处可产生高达200 V/m的电场强度,在1 m远处可产生50~ 100 V/m的场强。该电场发生器可旋转改变电极化方向,具有覆盖范围广、场强分布均匀、场强幅度高的特点,广泛应用于低频辐射抗扰度测试。


        Abstract: A low-frequency field generator based on parallel-line transmission structures is designed for the electromagnetic field radiation immunity test, which can solve the problems of low radiation efficiency, large volume, and difficulty in forming a high electric field strength at low frequencies. A transmission-line balun transformer with 1∶4 impedance transformation ratio is designed to realize the impedance matching between the input port and the load, and the transformation of unbalanced input to balanced output. In order to ensure the stability and reliability of the electrical performances, copper pipes with the diameter 100 mm are adopted as the parallel transmission lines, and non-inductive ceramic resistors are used as the load, which makes the field generator withstand 2500 W continuous waves. The experimental results demonstrate that the field generator has a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) less than 1.9 in the frequency band of from 10 kHz–100 MHz. It can generate the electric field up to 200 V/m at a distance of 0.5 meters from the center, and 50 V/m –100 V/m at a distance of 1 m. The electric field generator has the main advantages of high-intensity field strength, wide coverage, uniform distribution, and rotatable polarization.


